A strew slide from Thurø, Denmark. Wide range of species present. Prepared by Brian Darnton. Shown above are Achnanthes longipes, Lyrella lyra, a Pleurosigma species (perhaps P. inflatum), and a Plagiotropis. The Plagiotropis is perhaps P. maxima (current name, Amphiprora maxima). I initially thought P. lepidoptera, but the stria on this one look to be too coarse for that. Thanks to the Diatom Imaging Facebook group for help with naming a couple of these.
Olympus BHB microscope using 450nm LED light. 63x Leitz Pl Apo NA 1.40 objective, oil immersion. Olympus Aplanat Achromat condenser, oil immersion, slightly oblique lighting. 2.5x Nikon CF PL photoeyepiece. Monochrome converted Nikon d850 camera. Images stacked in Zerene (Pmax).